Explore our Clay Studio classes and Independent Study options. Learn more about our rentable Clay Studio below.
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Independant Study
The Independent Study Program at the Gunnison Arts Center invites potters to utilize our newly remodeled studio by renting shelf space in our beautiful studio! Shelf space is used for personal tools, glazes, clay and current projects. Other benefits include a large working space for hand-building, 8 electric wheels, variety of surface tools and glazes, use of other studio equipment and tools, kiln firings (cone 05 bisque and cone 6 glaze) and 24/7 access to studio and bathroom. Studio Access Only receives all benefits except shelf space. Rules and previous experience apply.
We hope you consider a tour of our studio by making an appointment with our Ceramics Studio Director, Kit Wijkowski. Contact kit@gunnisonartscenter.org for questions or more information.
Purchase Cone 5/6 Laguna B-Mix Smooth or Cone 5/6 Laguna Speckled Buff clay here and pick up in our studio!